Jaha…vad säger man om det här då?

Ett mejl från en Kate Bazilevsky damp ner på kvinnodagen…

”Hi Susanna,


A text about women based on ancient sources is being compiled and may become a complete book in a month or two. In short, it states that:


“Every woman considers herself an individual. In vain, as regardless of race, ethnicity, profession and so on, no woman is an individual. Every woman lives as man programmed her to live, as it is convenient for him, as he wants her to. But, women do not even suspect who produces images for what they consider their ”Self,” and why. Men’s intent is simple: to have total control over the psyche and the physiology of any woman because an image is the basis of functioning of any person. Providing an image to a woman ensures that she will live and function strictly according to this image. Also, an image is the basis for control of any person, as well as the basis of knowledge about her/him. Men create images. Therefore, they know exactly what image is behind this or that behavior of a woman. But, women are sure that images that they use (including for construction of their ”Self-Image,” that they consider their individuality) are a secret. In other words, men achieved what they wanted: from potential goddesses, women were made into logs, a resource, a consumable material from which a man can make whatever he likes. Even a quick historical review, readily available statistics make it clear that women are allowed only into already constructed and functioning system built by men. And, women are allowed to act only based on and within images that the system dictates. Women lost the ”war between the sexes.” Since the time of birth women are being made into logs with legs spread wide, as an indication of their main purpose—to participate in the reproduction of the human race, and be pleasant toys in the hands of men. Most important is to not forget to tell women, who ”love through their ears,” that they are wonderful, priceless, how much men love them and depend on them. Long ago women were programmed to believe in any nonsense, instead of seeing and analyzing facts (as well as history).” Full version is available online for free, just search for “A Log With Legs Spread Wide” or ISBNs 9781311155771 & 9781311915603.


What specific opposing arguments can you provide? What do you think about the information? How do you think about it? What are you going to do about it? Do you think this information will be of interest not only to you, but other women as well? Is there any mention of this in various women’s movements, communities, parties? Thanks in advance!




Om Susanna Holmén Waris

Susanna Holmén Waris, född 1968 i Salo, Finland, civilingenjör från KTH och frilanskonstnär som arbetar inom järnvägen. Bloggen handlar om allt från konst, politik och vetenskap till mode, humor och personliga erfarenheter. Välkommen!
Det här inlägget postades i feminism, jämställdhet, kultur och har märkts med etiketterna , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

7 svar på Jaha…vad säger man om det här då?

  1. michael skriver:

    Jag tycker Kate ska pröva byta ut man mot feminism i texten så skulle det kanske gå upp ett ljus för henne.

  2. Pelle2 skriver:

    En fin feministisk bild av kvinnan som offer och mannen som förtryckare.
    Undrar vad hon vill uppnå med den texten ? Att skapa ännu mera hat mellan män och kvinnor och att få kvinnor att känna sig som offer ?

    Jag vill påstå att det är kvinnor som oftast är drivande vad gäller att ”skaffa barn” och inte män.Den här kate försöker få det till att männen ser kvinnan som en reproduktionsmaskin.Underförstått menar hon säkert att det är vi män som lurar kvinnorna att tro att de vill ha barn. För en kvinna kan ju aldrig ta ett eget ansvar enligt feministerna utan de förblir barn hela livet..

  3. Kjell skriver:

    Aha… alla kvinnor lever i Matrix!

    Vilket nonsens… kanske stenhård satir á la Jämställdhetsfeministern?

  4. Dreadlock skriver:

    ”What specific opposing arguments can you provide?”

    Lockar ?

    Kate Bazilevsky har en egen kanal på YT. Går inte att se några klipp ( Not available at this moment)

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